About Us

The main objective of the Bihar State Unplanned Data Entry Operators Association is to fight unitedly against the rights and rights of 7311 data entry operators issued by Beltron. This association has always been voicing the problems faced by all these candidates. We, in this association, unite for our rights and rights to Beltron and put our point in a peaceful manner to fulfill our demand. There is a need for all Beltron operators to unite to execute various problems to strengthen our demands. We will continue to provide you with the guidelines and information issued by Beltron on our website. So if you want to join this campaign then you can get your membership by filling our membership form of our association and if you have any kind of problem or any information with Beltron or Beltron with unplanned data entry operator. The union’s email can be shared through info.deounion@gmail.com.